Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No, a hundred bucks is not the same as a hundred bucks

I have a hundred bucks in US dollars. Now that's a currency I don't really want to hang on to, so I decide to exchange it for some useful Singapore dollars.

Going by the current exchange rate, USD100 is approximately SGD150. That's a nice amount, and can buy me lots and lots of chocolate!
I decide to go for it. I take a little walk to the Money Changer. An exchange of the verbal variety thus ensues.

Me: Hi, how much Sing. Dollars do I get for a hundred US?

Idiot: *takes out calculator and punches in numbers* one-five-zero-point-five.

Me: Oh, ok. I'll change a hundred US to Sing, please.

Idiot: Ok.

Me: *hands over 5 x 20-dollar bills*

Idiot: *counts out money, examines them carefully, puts them through the counterfeit money detector, comes back to counter, counts out money carefully, consults with Other Idiot* (all this takes about five minutes)

Idiot: For this, you get one-five zero. *punches out numbers and shows me calculator - 150.00*

Me: What, huh? Why the difference?

Idiot: Because it's like this *shows me the twenties*, not one hundred.

Me: *expression of bwuh?*  That's a hundred dollars.

Idiot: Ya, but it's different.

Me: How is it different? I gave you one hundred dollars.

Idiot: This is not one hundred-dollar note.

Me: I can see that. But 5 twenties equals a hundred. It's the same thing!

Idiot: It's different, lor.

Me: Ok. WHY is it different? 

Idiot: *looks helplessly at Other Idiot*

Other Idiot: This one is not a hundred dollar note. This one is small notes, different lor.

Me: I'm aware that there's a difference between a single hundred-dollar bill and five twenty-dollar bills, but why is there a difference in value? It's still ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS.

Other Idiot: It's different! It's not one hundred note, it's small notes.

Me: YES, BUT WHY IS THE VALUE DIFFERENT?!? I've never heard of this.

Other Idiot: Everywhere you go, same thing. You go other place and see, lah. This one is small notes, it's different. You get less sing dollars. 

Me: I DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW MUCH I GET. IT'S A DIFFERENCE OF FIFTY BLOODY CENTS, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. I just want to know the REASON why there's a difference in value, what's the REASON behind getting more for a hundred-dollar note, as opposed to five twenty-dollar notes, WHY IS THERE A DIFFERENCE IN HOW MANY SING DOLLARS I GET?!?

Other Idiot: There's a difference. 

Me: *gives up* Give me back my money.

Now I know why there's a glass panel at the counter. It's to stop people from launching themselves at the Idiots to punch them.

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